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TC-01/TB-04 40Z Alu Kugeldiff.-Set

TC-01/TB-04 40Z Alu Kugeldiff.-Set

[SDG300054522]Artikel mit Wartezeit zu bestellen/vorbestellenMit Wartezeit lieferbar
56.99 EUR[inkl. 20% MwSt]
Art.Nr.: 300054522
Art.bezeichnung: TC-01/TB-04 40Z Alu Kugeldiff.-Set

This is a ball differential unit for the TB-04 touring car chassis platform. Fitting this aluminum ball differential to your TB-04 chassis model will provide it with more stable handling characteristics. It also has the durability to make it compatible with higher-power motors.

• Uses 12x 3/32-inch balls.
• Includes TRF417 V5 pin protector.
• Compatible with TB-04 and TB-04 PRO touring car chassis models.
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