
Alu Dämpfer-Set (4) M-Chassis

Alu Dämpfer-Set (4) M-Chassis

[SDG300054000]Artikel mit Wartezeit zu bestellen/vorbestellenMit Wartezeit lieferbar
100.00 EUR[inkl. 20% MwSt]
Art.Nr.: 300054000
Art.bezeichnung: Dämpfer-Set 4x Alu M-Chassis

Up to now, M-Chassis owners have had to make do with touring car aluminum dampers when up grading their cars. Tamiya has now developed this new set of 4 dampers specifically for the M-Chassis, featuring damper cylinders and damper rods that are 2mm shorter. As a result, the chassis' ride height is lowered and damper stroke can be more accurately customized. A hard black coating reduces friction and serves as a nice contrast to the blue damper caps and included white damper springs.
*Compatible Chassis: M-03, M-04, M-05 and M-06
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