Startseite - Ferngesteuerte Modelle - Tamiya/Carson Modelle - Ersatzteile Tamiya/Carson - TA07 PRO / TA07R / TA07MS -
Alu Servohorn-Set einst. m. HT-Servos.
Art.Nr.: 300054893
Art.bezeichnung: Alu Servohorn-Set einst. m. HT-Servos.
★Set distance between servo horn center and ball connector at 1m increments between 15 and 22mm.
★Steering range is also adjustable.
★Incorporates servo saver function, providing protection in case of crashes and other shocks.
Compatible Chassis
CC-01, GF-01, G6-01, M-05, M-05 PRO, M-05Ra, M-05 Ver.II PRO, M-06, M-06 PRO, M-07 Concept, M-08 Concept, TA07 PRO, TA07 MS, TB-05 PRO, TT-02 & TT-02B Chassis
Art.bezeichnung: Alu Servohorn-Set einst. m. HT-Servos.
★Set distance between servo horn center and ball connector at 1m increments between 15 and 22mm.
★Steering range is also adjustable.
★Incorporates servo saver function, providing protection in case of crashes and other shocks.
Compatible Chassis
CC-01, GF-01, G6-01, M-05, M-05 PRO, M-05Ra, M-05 Ver.II PRO, M-06, M-06 PRO, M-07 Concept, M-08 Concept, TA07 PRO, TA07 MS, TB-05 PRO, TT-02 & TT-02B Chassis