
CC-02 Alu Motorhalter/Brücke

CC-02 Alu Motorhalter/Brücke

[SDG300054971]Artikel mit Wartezeit zu bestellen/vorbestellenMit Wartezeit lieferbar
26.50 EUR[inkl. 20% MwSt]
Art.Nr.: 300054971
Art.bezeichnung: CC-02 Alu Motorhalter/Brücke

Make sure your CC-02 chassis motor is fixed securely in place with this new spacer, which sits in between the gearbox and the cap screws which affix the motor, promising an efficient drive.

Item Contents/Information
• Motor Mount Bridge Spacer x1
• This spacer provides greater rigidity in the gearbox, which translates into more efficient drive.
• It also helps brace the gearbox against warping.
• Aluminum component features a cool gun metal anodized finish.
• Screws and other small parts for attachment are included.
• Compatible with CC-02 chassis cars.
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