
LED-Set 5mm weiß TLU-01

LED-Set 5mm weiß TLU-01

[SDG300053910]Artikel mit Wartezeit zu bestellen/vorbestellenMit Wartezeit lieferbar
19.00 EUR[inkl. 20% MwSt]
Art.Nr.: 300053910
Art.bezeichnung: LED-Set 5mm weiß TLU-01

Tamiya has now expanded the line of LED lights for scale appearance to most polycarbonate RC car bodies. These new LEDs feature various colors and diameters, each item includes 2 LED bulbs and they will enable customers to create their own unique lighting designs. All of these LEDs are designed for use with, and can be effortlessly installed into, the TLU-01 Light Control Unit.

includes 2 LED. Lights with 16" leads

*These LEDs are designed for use with TLU-01 only and cannot be used with other items (1/14 R/C Tractor Trucks, etc.)
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