
TRF Dämpferfedern Big Bore (3x2)

TRF Dämpferfedern Big Bore (3x2)

[SDG300042306]Artikel mit Wartezeit zu bestellen/vorbestellenMit Wartezeit lieferbar
11.80 EUR[inkl. 20% MwSt]
Art.Nr.: 300042306
Artikelbezeichnung: TRF Big Bore Federn-Set (3x2 w/m/h)

These springs are made for use on the super short big bore dampers (Item 42305) that debuted on the TRF419X. The set includes 3 different stiffnesses, which you can use to swiftly alter your setup.

Short Spring (Soft) x2
Short Spring (Medium) x2
Short Spring (Hard) x2
Marking sleeves for hard (yellow) and soft (red) x2 each
Free length: 20mm
Compatible with super short big bore dampers.
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