Startseite - Ferngesteuerte Modelle - Tamiya/Carson Modelle - Ersatzteile Tamiya/Carson - TA07 PRO / TA07R / TA07MS -
TRF420/419X/TA-07 Shim-Set Kegeldiff.
Art.Nr.: 300042313
Art.bezeichnung: TRF420/419X/TA-07 Shim-Set Kegeldiff.
These are large-diameter shims used to adjust gear differentials in TA07 PRO and TRF419X chassis kits. They are inserted into the internals of the differential for fine adjustment of the spider gear assembly. Dedicated sizes ensure minimal skipping of gears and attendant damage.
•5 x 15 x 0.3mm Shims x2
•5 x 15 x 1mm Shims x2
•2.6 x 9.5 x 0.1mm Shims x4
•Compatible with cars using TA07 PRO, TRF419 or TRF419X oil-filled gear differentials.
Art.bezeichnung: TRF420/419X/TA-07 Shim-Set Kegeldiff.
These are large-diameter shims used to adjust gear differentials in TA07 PRO and TRF419X chassis kits. They are inserted into the internals of the differential for fine adjustment of the spider gear assembly. Dedicated sizes ensure minimal skipping of gears and attendant damage.
•5 x 15 x 0.3mm Shims x2
•5 x 15 x 1mm Shims x2
•2.6 x 9.5 x 0.1mm Shims x4
•Compatible with cars using TA07 PRO, TRF419 or TRF419X oil-filled gear differentials.